Tuesday Inspiration: Uniquely Chic

We stopped in to say "Hi" to Barbara at her store, Uniquely Chic on Saturday. Am I ever glad we did too.

Barbara could hardly contain herself with excitement. She announced that the one and only Fifi O'Neill is coming to Healdsburg in July, to Uniquely Chic for a book signing!

I said, "Fifi O'Neil, the author of Romantic Prairie Style? Are you kidding me?"
"Yes, that Fifi!" said Barbara.
I'm so excited for Barbara, and so excited to meet Fifi!

A lot has happened since my last visit to Uniquely Chic. Barbara started a blog, just last Friday. It's called Uniquely Chic Floral and Home. Check it out!
And now Fifi O'Neill is coming for a very special book signing!

Her store looks amazing too. Both floral and giftware, it is pure eye candy.
Fifi is going to love Barbara's store.

I love Barbara's store! I love stopping in and perusing her unique giftware. She has such a talent for displaying her merchandise. It is truly inspiring to me.

That being said, my dream is to have a store like this someday!
It was actually Number 8 on my "Design Bucket List." Remember?

It's not going to happen anytime soon though.
In the meantime, I'll continue to be inspired by Barbara and live vicariously through her.
Possibly an online store? Maybe! But I digress....

Mark your calendars for July 13th.
Fifi O'Neill at Uniquely Chic!
I will definitely be there!

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