Big Daddy's Antiques

We finally made it to Big Daddy's Antiques! I was not disappointed. They opened a new location in San Francisco a couple of months ago and we finally got around to visiting on Sunday.

At first, we went to the once-a-month Alameda Antique Show, but it started pouring down rain!
Luckily, I remembered Big Daddy's is open on Sunday, so the day was not a total bust!

Two Great Danes greeted us when we walked in!
The huge warehouse is full of antiques, vintage objects, architectural elements and furniture.
I'm pretty sure this is where Restoration Hardware comes for inspiration! Shane Brown, aka Big Daddy travels the world sourcing unique and one of a kind items. He truly has "the eye!"

We used to wait for the Alameda Antique Show just to see what Big Daddy had to sell.
Now, we can just go to the store! All 13,000 square feet of it!

They have quite a large collection of bird cages...

...Some with birds in them even!

What did we fall in love with? Well, Mr. A was obsessing over those wooden finials in front of the mirror.

He also fell in love with this industrial light fixture, convinced it would be perfect over our kitchen island. I wasn't so sure!

Me? I'm crazy about these weathered wicker dining chairs. They were outside in the rain when I saw them.

I'm wondering how they would look as dining room chairs in Asti?

How cool is this mirror?

And this leather chair. It's one of a pair from a French bakery.
We were like kids in a candy store! Oooooing and Ahhhhing over everything!

There were so many wonderful things, we just couldn't take it!
So, in our overwhelmed state of mind, we just went home, full of inspiration!
I'll think about those chairs though....

Check out Big Daddy's Antiques here. They have two locations, Los Angeles and now San Francisco. They also sell at the Rose Bowl Flea Market and Alameda Antique Faire once a month.

Here's a peek at what we have found at Big Daddy's over the years:

Wicker bar stools.

Green urns.

And my favorite, this candlelight chandelier!
You can see why we love Big Daddy's Antiques!

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