An Evening in Firenze

As the sun set on The Duomo, we walked the narrow cobblestone streets, exploring Firenze.

We were so lucky that today was a beautiful warm and sunny day and evening.

We walked and walked. . .

. . .and shopped.
All the stores are open for business at night, and it was fun doing a little evening window shopping.

This store had the most amazing wedding dresses!

We worked up an appetite, searching for the perfect restaurant. There are too many to choose from. This one looked good!

After dinner, we walked around The Duomo some more. . .

. . .and had dessert at this cafe.
Our first evening in Florence was a blast. We met up with #2 Son Alex. He couldn't join us for dinner though as he had a date with an Italian family tonight. He teaches their children English, and they cook a pasta dinner for him! It's a program through his school called "English for Pasta"

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