My Latest Landscape Project

We are loving our new lawn surrounding the fire pit in Asti!
My latest landscape project is what I should have done to begin with back in January '09

When I first started blogging in November of '09, I wrote a post about how I landscaped this area above. You can read it here. Originally, this was an abandoned septic mound which I decided to build a fire pit in the middle and surround the outside area with French lavender. About 200 plants.

Here is what it looked like then.

Here is what it looked like in June '09 when the new lavender bloomed. I was so excited about the lavender! We even harvested it and made sachets for Christmas gifts. The problem began when half of them died because of two reasons: too much water and the soil was too rich.

So I replaced the dead ones and began "chasing" the lavender....The new ones would never catch up in size with the older ones, and meanwhile I was still losing lavender plants!

Last week I pulled up all the lavender. It was a tough decision, but the right one.

I had a can of spray paint and drew out where the bender board would go separating the grass from the border of olive trees, roses, rosemary and what was left of the lavender.

I felt kind of bad pulling up the lavender, but they were going to die anyway.

We did manage to save some for more sachets though.

The final result! What a difference the new grass makes. No longer arid, but green and cool.

Our granddaughters can run and play here now. Before, there were so many bees on the lavender that it wasn't safe.
We can also lay on the grass and night and watch for shooting stars!

Or sit in the chairs in the morning and have our coffee without fear of getting stung.

I think adding the grass was the best improvement to our property. It gives the house a homey feel too.

This was a huge project, but well worth the time and money to get it right.
I just wish I had gotten it right in the beginning, but that is how gardening is. Trial and error!

I'm joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.
Be sure to visit and see some outside inspiration there.

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