Go Outside and Plant Something!

"I know that if odour were visible, as colour is,
I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds."
~Robert Bridges,

One of my favorite blogs to visit is Trouvais. Trish has the most lovely garden, and she always inspires me to go outside and tend to my flowers. Reading her post here, and seeing all of her lovely flowers made me realize that I need less computer time and more garden time!
A little snapshot of Trish's garden. I love her faux bois table and stone pots.

So, my goal for this weekend and next week is to spend more time in the garden--it really does need some attention.
My potager garden needs help! Why don't we have tomatoes yet? The basil is doing great and wondering the same thing! Nothing like basil on tomatoes.

The Iceberg roses are happy, but they need to be deadheaded. This photo was taken just before the lavender opened up.

Today is #1 Granddaughter's birthday! Happy Birthday Reese! And thank you for reminding your grandma to go outside and smell the roses!

Have a wonderful weekend! Go outside and plant something!

I'm linking up to Notes From A Cottage Industry for Weekly Words to Live By.
Be sure to visit for more inspirational quotes.

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