A Provençal Tablescape for Susan at BNOTP!

It's Susan's 100th Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch!
So, I created a French Provençal table in honor of Susan.

Thank you Susan for hosting Tablescape Thursday every week. I look forward to participating and also it's fun seeing what others are creating.

We visited France for the first time back in 1993. Ever since, I've been in love with anything French!

Especially anything Provençal like this tablecloth I found in France on my last trip.
I'm afraid to use it, but brought it out today for Tablescape Thursday!

The dishes were purchased in France on our first trip. Made by Genevieve Lethu, the plates are the "Manon" pattern. Unfortunately, they are no longer being made.

The bowls are also made by Genevieve Lethu in the "Grain de Riz" pattern.

I also have the teapot, creamer and sugar in this pattern. I brought the tray back in my suitcase!

I hope you have enjoyed my French inspired tablescape honoring Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. Now head on over there and help her celebrate her 100th Tablescape Thursday. Be sure to check out all the other participant's tables too.

Plates: Genevieve Lethu, "Manon"
Bowls: Genevieve Lethu, "Grain de Riz"
Flatware: vintage silverplate
Stemware: vintage
Tablecloth and tray: purchased in Provence
Confit pot: reproduction, Pottery Barn
Wooden candlesticks: Candelier
Flowers: from my garden!

On Friday, I'll be joining Cindy at A Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
Then on Saturday, I'll join Laurie at Bargain Hunting With Laurie for Favorite Things Saturday.
Thanks Cindy and Laurie for hosting.
I'm joining The Tablescaper on Sunday for Summer Sundays. It's all about what summer means to us. Be sure to check it out!

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