The Ultimate List For 2014: #1 Get More Sleep

We spend one third of our lives sleeping, yet for many, sleep alludes us.
With busy and stressful lives, insomnia is a common occurrence, especially as we get older.

For me, insomnia comes and goes, but one thing that helps is sleeping on the most comfortable mattress and in sheets that are the highest thread count.  A down comforter and pillow are a must.
I put a lot of effort into creating a restful environment so that going to bed at night is something to look forward to.

I like to read for about 30 minutes before turning the lights off.
No more computer or smart phone in bed as it stimulates the brain and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Can't calm your mind?
Try counting sheep!
Yes, there's a reason to count sheep--it helps your mind let go of thinking, like meditating almost.
Then you can put your thoughts and yourself to sleep!

So you fall blissfuly asleep, only to awaken at 4 am!
The longer you spend tossing and turning, the more anxious you become.
 This happens to everybody and it's so frustrating!
What to do?
Sleep experts agree that the best thing to do is to get out of bed and read or meditate.
Have a small snack or a cup of herbal tea.
Hopefully, eventually you will feel sleepy again.

WebMD has some very good advise for getting a good night's sleep. They refer to good sleep habits as "sleep hygiene." Here are a few of their tips:

  • *Try to go to sleep at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning. Try not to take naps during the day, because naps may make you less sleepy at night.

  • *Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol late in the day. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and can keep you from falling asleep. Alcohol can cause waking in the night and interferes with sleep quality.

  • *Get regular exercise. Try not to exercise close to bedtime, because it may stimulate you and make it hard to fall asleep. Experts suggest not exercising for at least three to four hours before the time you go to sleep.

  • *Don't eat a heavy meal late in the day. A light snack before bedtime, however, may help you sleep.

  • *Make your bedroom comfortable. Be sure that it is dark, quiet, and not too warm or too cold. If light is a problem, try a sleeping mask. If noise is a problem, try earplugs, a fan, or a "white noise" machine to cover up the sounds.

  • *Follow a routine to help you relax before sleep. Read a book, listen to music, or take a bath.

  • *If you can't fall asleep and don't feel drowsy, get up and read or do something that is not overly stimulating until you feel sleepy.

  • *If you find yourself lying awake worrying about things, try making a to-do list before you go to bed. This may help you to not focus on those worries overnight.

Here's to many a good night's sleep in 2014!

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